Inscription à la session Workshop / Ateliers Techniques "Investir en Afrique du Sud"
Mardi 7 Novembre 2017 | 14h30 | Tour Mazars, La Défense
5 Tables-rondes seront organisées sur les thèmes suivants :
- “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment – a catalyst for growth” with Sandica Balrishie, B-BBEE Consultant, Mazars South Africa
- “Key Legal aspects of foreign investments in SA” with Ashen Jugoo, Partner Fasken Martineau South Africa
- “Tax Incentives and Investment Opportunities in South Africa” with Mustapha Adams, Economic Counsellor, South African Embassy in France
- “The next South Africa through Human Resource Management” with Xavier Jacomet, Partner Africa, Procadres International
- “South African Tax and Exchange Control - Navigating the shifting landscapes” with Mike Teuchert, Partner Mazars South Africa
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